Saturday, March 09, 2019

The Dravidian Manifesto (2019)

The Dravidian Manifesto (2019)

1. People are equal by birth !

2. Gender Equality

3. Social Justice

4. To reject concepts that do not fit within the rational and scientific framework like God, Religion and associated beliefs such as Soul, Heaven/Hell, Ancient ritualistic practices and upholding ancestry which reeks irrationality.

5. Rationalism, Scientific Attitude, Innovative mindset which questions and accepts/rejects everything around based on evidence.

6. To firmly resist and rile against Political Hinduism (Hindutva) which speaks the language of divisiveness.

7. To accept Science, with a rider that, the application of scientific methods should be for the welfare of the humanity and not against it.

8. To rebel against, dismantle and destroy every form of untouchability, the root cause of every form of untouchability (i.e) Caste, the indomitable defense of caste in form of God, Religion, works of humans like Vedas, Ithihasas, Shastras, Puranas which provide a framework for sustained oppression of humankind and pride associated with parochial and conservative ideas related to ancestry.

9. To ensure the delivery of social justice in an asymmetric and unequal society where rights are denied to vast sections of people - in public and private sector and Government.

10. To ensure the upturn of the status quo wherein Men are viewed as Lord and women as slaves. To establish Gender equality, where women are ensured opportunities to establish themselves as equals to men in education, employment, politics and economic status.

11. Rights to Priesthood which is now restricted to men should be ensured to women, in every religion.

12. Homosexuals and Transgenders should be able to avail every possible right as a citizen of this nation, on the basis that people are equal by birth !

13. There shouldn't be asymmetry between the Urban and the Rural.

14. The status quo in this society to use religion as a tool to ensure inequalities must be overturned. Complete rejection of the literary works and oral traditions of humans, from various time periods and circumstances, to establish hegemony of a few among the many.

15. To ensure the respect of every language of nation groups. To ensure the rejection of possibility when a language is allowed to dominate over another. To allow changes in language keeping in mind the changes in human communication over a period of time with scientific outlook. To ensure National Language status to every language in the 8th Schedule of Indian Constitution in an India, which is a nation with various linguistic groups, while conserving the status of English as the language of communication across India.

16. To ensure that the Nation State takes complete responsibility for the delivery of basic requirements for a human to every citizen of the Nation State. To work towards creation of a reality where the connotation of rich and poor loses meaning. To nurture and establish a mindset of comradery within the society. In short, creation of an equal and just society, which is devoid of discrimination on the basis of Caste, Class and Gender.

17. To establish equality whose nature is devoid of hegemony and bias, in order to ensure rights, possibilities for equal participation and share in wealth to every nation group within a nation, where there are multiple linguistic and nation groups.

18. To ensure establishment of a true secularism in the society, which is not linked to the State and Religion.

19. To ensure proportional representation to every caste in this society in every fora and avenue, until the dissolution of the hegemony of caste in the society.

20. Education is an Universal basic right. To ensure the rejection of the intrusion of literature in syllabus that is against the scientific attitude. To ensure establishment of an educational system which provides space for development of thought clarity and work ethic, in turn equipping students to tackle competition in the present global opportunity landscape, an education system which provides space for inculcation of discipline and respect as a public good; an education which uses hands-on technical abilities and practical knowledge as a criteria to evaluate ones learning over rote learning ability; an education system which has in its heart the catalytic nature of technology, which is grounded in science.

21. To work for the creation of laws, which is equidistant to believers and non-believers, with the conservation of the right to evangelize.

22. To ensure a nurturing environment during early childhood for every child, with focus on environment, nutritious food, sanitation, development of critical mental and physical abilities and good habits.

23. To ensure empathetic treatment of elders with respect and dignity.

24. Protection of environment and natural resources.

25. To allow people of age, 20 years and above, to make independent decision about their marriage. To ensure establishment of a reality, wherein marriage is devoid of external compulsion and intervention. To ensure that, the women have a final say in decisions related to child birth.

26. To abolish death sentence.

27. To establish a reality wherein there is no restriction on expression and evangelization/propaganda.

28. An art is created for the sake of art, is a standpoint which cannot be unaccepted. An art should have a constructive utility, with humanism and self-respect ingrained.

29. Everyone should have the opportunities for everything, with the possibilities for unceasing, sustained movement in the material reality of the society

30. An individual does not owe his creation to himself. Hence, one should not live for oneself but to serve for the society.

31. To eschew from indulgence in luxury - To uphold frugal living.

32. Humans are endowed with rationalism - a virtue which should lead to brotherhood and equality - a cordial relationship that should be between individuals, beyond the kinship of blood.

33. Let an equal world emerge - Let a world where self respect is ingrained emerge - A life with self respect is a full life - Let Human be at the heart and the God be forgotten.

All towns are our own, everyone our kin, the world is our family - Let our actions provide the essential and conscious nudge towards such a cultural and social evolution.

Let our journey and plans be drawn to ensure the creation of a radical, brave new world which is devoid of hatred, hegemony, encroachment - Let a healthy and a vibrant new world emerge.

K. Veeramani.

President, Dravidar Kazhagam (Association for Dravidians)



- translated by Jeyannathann Karunanithi.

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